I don't got a lot of time...again. We didn't plan our time very effectively. Oops.
This week was totally...
''WICKED!!!'' (not in the sense of sins...but in a sense of like super fanstastic and great)
Carmen y Hector.
WOW. What a great week for them. We have been talking about the plan of salvation.
Things we know about Hector...
-was married before
-was baptized in a Christian church
-is very smart and knows a lot about lots of churches (he told us he is a lot like joseph smith...he said he wouldn't be surprised if he has been to over a 100 churches!! WOW)
-doesn't drink or smoke.
We had a SUPER great lesson on the plan of salvation. My comp and i can honestly say we were led by the Spirit in this lesson. Such a fantastic feeling. Anywho, we got a talking and he shared with us a very very personal experience. (Wow. Imma cry!!)
So....he told us that there was a time where he was married to another woman and had kids and everything. He came home one day, something happened, and he left with the clothes he had on his back and 20 pesos (that less than 2 dolars...)
He was literally homeless for 3 months. He was looking for work everywhere but couldn't find any. He was sleeping underneath a bridge, living off the food that people would give him. He said there were tons of people that offered him drugs and alcohol, but he never accepted. There was one time where he hadn't eaten for 3 days!! He said he had promised himself that he would never sink so low as to look for food in the garbage can...but he was very desperate. So he said a prayer and asked God to help him. He said he had been very diligent and faithful as to not accept drugs, and to not steal. He finished his prayer and decided to go to a park near by. As we was sitting on a park bench, there was a lady that had left a huge bag of food near his bench. We she left, we looked, and there were over 70 burritos in the bag. So what does he do? He waits near the bag for more than 2 hours so that if the lady came back, he could return it to her. It became very late, and so he prayed and felt like it was okay for him to take it. So as he was about to eat one, he remembered that there were a lot more homeless people near by, so he went to go share it with them!! Wow.
But because he did that, one of his homeless buddies told him of a job opening near by for someone that was an accountant. He is very very very well educated and went to go check out the job. The lady didn't believe him at first...but (long story short) eventually did. He got the job.
He now is here and is a carpenter. (I hope he tells us this story another time!)
SO anywho. There is one amazing story from our dear Hector!! I just love him! He is such a good person and is really really searching the truth!! I am soooo grateful for the Lord and his love for all his children!!! The Lord is truly with us even in our afflictions! Hector has had such a humble life and he has so much faith in Jesus Christ! He is such a good example to me. I feel soooo blessed that the Lord led us to this man and his wife! I feel so inadequate to be teaching him but so so so so grateful.
My favorite hymn is How Firm A Foundation!! It is soooo beatufiul. All the verses are amazing. I just want to read them all day. But since I cant...you should do it for me :)
Isaiah 41:10 ¶Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Love you all so much!!!! Make sure to strengthen your foundation in Jesus Christ EVERY DAY!!
Love, Hna.Cook
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